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Couple Caught On Camera Defacing ‘black Lives Matter’ Mural, Police Investigating


A man and woman were caught on camera defacing a “Black Lives Matter” mural in Boston. A man is seen with a spray can, looking around before spray painting the word “black” on the mural with black spray paint.  The owner of the store, Justin Pomerleau, says the mural is painted on says this is the third time its been defaced, once being torn down then changed to “blue lives matter.” “It was a really feeble attempt to try to ruin the mural,” said Pomerleau. The couple is seen waiting for the coast to be clear before finishing the job. Police are trying to identify the man and woman but haven’t named them as suspects.  Pomerleau calls the defacing, a “hate crime.” Do you agree that this constitutes a hate crime? Why or why not?

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