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Prom Dress Deemed Too Revealing


High school senior Mireya Briceno was kicked out of her prom for wearing a dress which supposedly violated her school’s dress code.

Her mother, Connie Briceno, is speaking out this week in defense of her 18 year old. They went shopping for a prom dress with the Muskegon High School dress code in mind. Their guidelines specifically said backless dresses were ok. The rules said, “the dress had to hit below your fingertips when standing with her arms by your side.” They stated no midriff showing, which meant to them “no stomach” showing. The guidelines also specifically said the words “backless dresses are acceptable.”

So when Mireya chose her blue dress with white polka dots, they both thought they were adhering to prom rules. Her mom added she thought she looked beautiful.

When Mireya first arrived at prom, she had no problem getting in. She took a picture with her cheer coach, took pictures with some with friends, hung out & got something to drink… it wasn’t a big deal. But after an hour, the vice principal asked her to stand up. After she stood up, she was asked to turn around, and when she did the vice principal just said, ‘You have to leave, you’re in dress code violation.

Do you think this dress is inappropriate for a high school senior’s prom? Would you let your daughter wear it?



(Photos: Connie Briceno)

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