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Report: Beyonce & Jay Z Are Testing Blue Ivy for Early Signs of Genius


Photo: Francis Specker/CBSBeyonce and Jay Z may have a child prodigy on their hands with Blue Ivy.

OK! magazine’s website cites an unnamed source as saying the proud parents are looking to test their daughter, who has been excelling in music at a prestigious school in Hollywood. “Blue Ivy is also showing very early signs of being a mathematic genius,” the source is quoted as saying. 

“Last month she was able to add up 1+1 and 1+2,” the source reportedly said. “It’s incredible for a child her age.”

It seems Blue has picked up her abilities from her musically inclined parents. “Bey thinks she’s got more talent in her little finger than her and Jay together,” the report continues. “It was always a possibility as a lot of kids with innate musical talent are good at math too.”

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