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Dallas Police Shooting Victim Remembered by his Alma Mater as Standout Student


Dallas (KRNB) – The 26-year old victim of a police shooting in Dallas Thursday night was in his apartment when Dallas police say an officer who had just gotten off duty, walked home to her apartment building near police headquarters, ntered the wrong unit, and shot the man inside.

A press conference earlier today was peppered so many questions that Chief Renee Hall was unable to answer, that it had to be cut short.

The Harding family learned this morning of the tragic death of 2016 alumnus Botham Jean who was shot in his home last night. Originally from St. Lucia, Botham was a member of Good News Singers, a resident assistant, an intern for the Rock House campus ministry, and a leader in Sub T-16 men’s social club.”

Read entire statement here:

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