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Porsha Williams Excited About Pregnancy After Miscarriage


In an interview with People Magazine, Porsha Williams of Real Housewives of Atlanta, revealed that she is indeed pregnant. Having suffered a miscarriage a little over six years ago Porsha expressed that she is surely excited but also feeling other emotions in addition to the excitment.

Porsha stated:

“When I found out I was pregnant, I was excited [but] I had mixed feelings. The other feeling that I had beside excitement was fear. I’ve had a miscarriage before in my past, which I’ve also been open about because I suffer with fibroids and had to have a myomectomy. So just the fear of, ‘Is the baby going to be okay? Will I make it full term?’ All those questions that you ask if you’ve had a miscarriage before.”

Porsha explained that she would feel much more content once she finally has her first official doctor’s appointment in which was scheduled the same day as the People Magazine interview. Congrats and well wishes to Porsha!

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