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Philadelphia Principle refuses to give a father back his IPhone6


Our kids can do some crazy things…like taking things that they shouldn’t. Cellphones rule our lives these days. We rely on them for any and everything and now schools are now in the habit of confiscating these phones. Which leads to differences of opinion with the kids and even their parents. A YouTube video has emerged when a parent demanding that a school principal return his daughter’s iPhone 6, which had apparently been taken away for disciplinary reasons.

The father films while he insists that the phone should be given back to him. The school principal, who identifies herself on camera as Linda M. Carroll, refuses and says he can get it back in a few weeks. She offers the dad a flip phone so that he can contact his daughter in emergencies.

Why wouldn’t the principal and parent just come to a happy arrangement — just as one wonders why a schoolkid needs an iPhone 6. Nonetheless,the principal says, “That’s our policy. Sorry that we took it. And she can get it back in a few weeks.

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