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Sherri Shepherd Reveals Difficulty Paying Child Support To ‘Two Baby Daddies’


Sherri Shepherd makes a lot of money but most of that is going to child support and that’s no joke! The actress and comedian recently revealed she is still shelling out money for her two baby daddies. Between that drama Shepherd is also facing a few hurdles in her career. Many of the projects she has gone after, agents have told her that she was a hard sell. There is nothing funny about your ex in your pocket for child support. Sherri needs to get creative and file for a modification and change of visitation. Men do it all the time; petition the court to get shared custody or increase visitation in order to reduce her monthly child support payments. Once your reach a certain age in most industries the opportunities dry up. She need to get ahead of the court before her she falls behind on her support.   Read more about her challenges here

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