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Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Nutrition Rules Are No Longer


Friday, January 17th was the birthday of former First Lady Michelle Obama. It was also the day that her big 2010 initiative, Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act was chipped away. Remember, she wanted kids to eat healthier at school? They may not be eating as healthy as she had wished or as doctor’s recommend. The weekly requirements have been reduced for serving orange and red vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes and butternut squash. Those veggies can now be replaced with potato products like fries filled with fat and chemicals. School breakfasts served in classrooms won’t be required to have as much fruit which may be replaced by less nutritious baked goods or granola bars. Nutrition advocates attacked the proposal as undercutting the nutrition requirements in the 2010 Act. In another measure to undue all of the good to improve the overall health of America’s children the current administration thinks it is a bad idea for children to consume healthier food. The president has no idea that a large portion of children get their healthy meals while at school.

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