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Man Charged With Having Sex With Wife’s Dog


Now this is some sick stuff here.. Jonathan Edward Medley, of Geneva, Alabama, was charged with having sex with his wife’s dog, Buster, because he was upset that she paid too much attention to the dog.  Too much attention with the dog??  He needs his behind kicked.

According to The Grio, his wife thought he was having a affair with another women, so she hid a recording device, and that’s when she discovered this damn fool was sexually abusing the dog.  The sad part is that the dog is a tiny Shi Tzu and the dog suffered injuries as a result of this sick fool.

The Alabama police department said, that they’ve dealt with abandoned dogs, hungry dogs, but never a sexually abused one.  The Grio also reported that this way his way of causing her pain by messing with her dog.  Yes this fool was arrested.



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